Steve’s Chronicles of a Modern Day Vampire

Lab Oratory #8 — Miss Taylor

Lab Oratory #8 — Miss Taylor

One of my reasons for creating my website in addition to marketing my Invention, was to give me a way to express myself to the world.  One of the Coolest things about starting your own business is to be able to take Creative License with it.  I am a very passionate...

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Lab Oratory #7–Ignite Your Passion

Lab Oratory #7–Ignite Your Passion

What is it that Ignites Your Passion?? All of us have something that stokes our fires, something that gives us Purpose and Direction. When You were a little kid, do you remember adults asking you, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”   My Father had dreams of...

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Lab Oratory #6 — What Makes You Smile

Lab Oratory #6 — What Makes You Smile

What Makes You Happy??? What Makes You Smile?? What Makes You Laugh???            Is that not the quest for all of us?  I believe the driving force behind what we are striving for in the journey all of us inhabit is—The Quest to find Peace, Direction and Contentment. ...

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Lab Oratory #5 — As the Years have Passed

Lab Oratory #5 — As the Years have Passed

As the Years have Passed I have become More Aware…             When I started out as a Phlebotomist, my awareness that we are all on a different path with different challenges and obstacles was almost non-existent.  My world revolved around me… at the center.  I was...

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Lab Oratory #4 — My Reason for the Buggy

Lab Oratory #4 — My Reason for the Buggy

Thanks for taking the time to visit and Steve’s Lab Oratory.  My reason for writing today is to share with You how I came to create my Patent Approved, Handcrafted Phlebotomy / Medical Cart— Lab-Buggy.When I started as a Phlebotomist in 1983, we used...

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Lab Oratory #3— My Path has been Winding…

Lab Oratory #3— My Path has been Winding…

     My path has been winding and unconventional.  I am fortunate to have finally begun to understand my way.  All of us have our own story.  All of us are given different talents, different foundations, different opportunities, different challenges, different...

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Lab Oratory #2—The Director of the Lab…

Lab Oratory #2—The Director of the Lab…

The Director of the Lab called me into his office.   About 3 months after my terrified entry into my career as a Phlebotomist, the Director of the lab walked into our department and pointed at me and said, “Steve I need to see you in my office.”  My heart went up into...

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Lab Oratory #1— I was Scared…

Lab Oratory #1— I was Scared…

In 1983— when I started working as a Phlebotomist, I Was Scared… Let me rephrase that.  I was Quaking and Shaking in my Tennies when I started.  It wasn’t until the 3rd day, that I actually put a needle into someone.  I managed to squirrel out up until then.  Everyone...

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Our Story

Our Story

       Our Story— The Key to a really good invention comes down to creating something that will, without question –Solve a Problem… The Problem I kept encountering through my 38 years of Phlebotomy experience, had to do with maintaining good organization with the...

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