This Morning I had a repeat patient come into my workstation.  She’s absolutely Gorgeous in Body, Mind and Spirit.  I have seen her periodically over the past few years.  I had something that happened for me after I collected her sample this morning.  As I was putting her Sample where it was supposed to be and I was filing her Paperwork, it dawned on me that her age was something I had never really taken the time to be aware of.  When I looked down at her paperwork, I realized her Birth Year was 1925.  I meticulously ask my Patients to let me know their First and Last Name and their Date of Birth— Every Time I get ready to collect their blood samples.  Every Time–No Exceptions.  Apparently I had gone through the motions of checking her name and DOB, but it was not until now that I realized where she was on the line of time. 

This Woman was telling me about her recent trip to the mountains.  She had gathered with Family at a cabin that She and her Husband had purchased many years ago.  She regaled me with how delighted she was to see her Grandkids still enjoying the getaway the Mountain retreat provided.  We talked about skiing and how much we enjoyed it.  We shared experiences about where we both learned to ski and some of our favorite places to ski.  This Woman is Gorgeous, Vibrant, Thriving and in Love with her Life.  I have collected samples on her for a few years now, but not until this morning did I realize just how old she was.  2021 minus 1925 makes 96 years.  I even put it on my phone calculator to make certain of my calculations.

Her Smile radiates Sunshine.  Her Carriage is Tall, Assured and Confident.  She Loves her Life.  For the past few years that I have been collecting her samples, I have enjoyed interacting with her Happy Energy.  The fact that I just today, realized how many years had passed in her Lifetime, made me aware that she had found some kind of Key, some kind of Answer to the Mystery of what helps us Age the best we can…She is an inspiration for me.  I hope as the years progress for me– I am able to live in the same kind of energy She lives in.  Vibrant, Happy, Optimistic and Reveling in what The Creator has Provided—Here and Now…

For most of my Adult Life– I have been searching for answers to why my Journey came to be the way it is.  A few years ago I found a book called “The Power of Now”  –Written by Eckhart Tolle— A Searcher for Answers and Revelation –Himself.  In the Power of Now–  He explains his quest for Lasting Peace.  I have one of his quotes typed out and present in my Life every day—  In essence– It is the core of his book…

“All Negativity is caused by an Accumulation of Psychological Time and Denial of the Present.  Unease, Anxiety, Tension, Stress, Worry—All Forms of Fear—are caused by Too much Future, and not enough Presence.  Guilt, Regret, Resentment, Grievances, Sadness, Bitterness and all Forms of Nonforgiveness are caused by Too much Past and not enough Presence…”   Eckhart Tolle

This Woman I was talking about — Is a living example of Living in the Now.  I hope the Creator smiles upon me and allows me to Live as Long as she has–Vibrant, Healthy, Happy and Looking to the Future…

I hope Your Quest for Peace, Answers and Revelation is an example of “Leaning, Locking and Rolling into It”  
